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griddap Subset tabledap Make A Graph wms files Accessible Title Summary FGDC ISO 19115 Info Background Info RSS Email Institution Dataset ID public 2000-2014 climatology of the Subtropical Mode Waters and Permanent Pycnocline properties in the North Atlantic Maps of properties from OAC-P estimates.\n\ncdm_data_type = Other\nVARIABLES:\nlongitude (Station longitude, degrees_east)\nlatitude (Station latitude, degrees_north)\nPPD (Permanent pycnocline depth, m)\nPPD_er (Error of the permanent pycnocline depth estimate, m)\nPPH (Permanent pycnocline total thickness, m)\nPPH_er (Error of the permanent pycnocline total thickness estimate, m)\nPPHTOP (Permanent pycnocline top thickness, m)\nPPHTOP_er (Error of the permanent pycnocline top thickness estimate, m)\nPPHBTO (Permanent pycnocline bottom thickness, m)\nPPHBTO_er (Error of the permanent pycnocline bottom thickness estimate, m)\nPPTEMP (Temperature at the depth of the permanent pycnocline, deg C)\nPPPSAL (Salinity at the depth of the permanent pycnocline, PSU)\nPPSIG0 (Potential density referenced to the surface at the depth of the permanent pycnocline, kg/m^3)\nPPPLPV (Planetary potential vorticity at the depth of the permanent pycnocline, m^-1 s^-1)\nPPBFRQ (Brunt-Vaisala frequency squared at the depth of the permanent pycnocline, s^-2)\nMWD (Mode water depth, m)\nMWTEMP (Temperature at the depth of the mode water, deg C)\nMWPSAL (Salinity at the depth of the mode water, PSU)\nMWSIG0 (Potential density referenced to the surface at the depth of the mode water, kg/m^3)\nMWPLPV (Planetary potential vorticity at the depth of the mode water, m^-1 s^-1)\nMWBFRQ (Brunt-Vaisala frequency squared at the depth of the mode water, s^-2)\n (external link) Ifremer/LOPS OACP-Argo-NATL public 2000-2015 climatology of the Subtropical Mode Waters and Permanent Pycnocline properties in the World Ocean Maps of properties from OAC-P estimates. Thermohaline computing using gsw oceanographic toolbox\n\ncdm_data_type = Grid\nVARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [latitude][longitude]):\nGLOBAL_PPD (Permanent pycnocline depth, m)\nGLOBAL_PPD_er (Error of the permanent pycnocline depth estimate, m)\nGLOBAL_PPH (Permanent pycnocline total thickness, m)\nGLOBAL_PPH_er (Error of the permanent pycnocline total thickness estimate, m)\nGLOBAL_PPHTOP (Permanent pycnocline top thickness, m)\nGLOBAL_PPHTOP_er (Error of the permanent pycnocline top thickness estimate)\nGLOBAL_PPHBTO (Permanent pycnocline bottom thickness, m)\nGLOBAL_PPHBTO_er (Error of the permanent pycnocline bottom thickness estimate, m)\nGLOBAL_PPTEMP (Temperature at the depth of the permanent pycnocline, deg C)\nGLOBAL_PPPOTTEMP (Potential temperature at the depth of the permanent pycnocline (referenced to the surface), deg C)\nGLOBAL_PPCONSTEMP (Conservative temperature at the depth of the permanent pycnocline, deg C)\nGLOBAL_PPPSAL (Practical salinity at the depth of the permanent pycnocline, PSU)\nGLOBAL_PPABSAL (Absolute  salinity at the depth of the permanent pycnocline, g/kg)\nGLOBAL_PPSIG0 (Potential density referenced to the surface at the depth of the permanent pycnocline)\nGLOBAL_PPPLPV (Planetary potential vorticity at the depth of the permanent pycnocline, m^-1 s^-1)\nGLOBAL_PPBFRQ (Brunt-Vaisala frequency squared at the depth of the permanent pycnocline, s^-2)\nGLOBAL_MWD (Mode water depth, m)\nGLOBAL_MWH (Mode water thickness, m)\nGLOBAL_MWTEMP (Temperature at the depth of the mode water, deg C)\nGLOBAL_MWPOTTEMP (Potential temperature at the depth of the mode water (referenced to the surface), deg C)\nGLOBAL_MWCONSTEMP (Conservative temperature at the depth of the mode water, deg C)\nGLOBAL_MWPSAL (Practical salinity at the depth of the mode water, PSU)\nGLOBAL_MWABSAL (Absolute salinity at the depth of the mode water, g/kg)\nGLOBAL_MWSIG0 (Potential density referenced to the surface at the depth of the mode water)\nGLOBAL_MWPLPV (Planetary potential vorticity at the depth of the mode water, m^-1 s^-1)\nGLOBAL_MWBFRQ (Brunt-Vaisala frequency squared at the depth of the mode water, s^-2)\n (external link) LOPS/Ifremer OACP-Argo-Global

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