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griddap Subset tabledap Make A Graph wms files Accessible Title Summary FGDC ISO 19115 Info Background Info RSS Email Institution Dataset ID public 2000-2015 climatology of the Subtropical Mode Waters and Permanent Pycnocline properties in the World Ocean Maps of properties from OAC-P estimates. Thermohaline computing using gsw oceanographic toolbox\n\ncdm_data_type = Grid\nVARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [latitude][longitude]):\nGLOBAL_PPD (Permanent pycnocline depth, m)\nGLOBAL_PPD_er (Error of the permanent pycnocline depth estimate, m)\nGLOBAL_PPH (Permanent pycnocline total thickness, m)\nGLOBAL_PPH_er (Error of the permanent pycnocline total thickness estimate, m)\nGLOBAL_PPHTOP (Permanent pycnocline top thickness, m)\nGLOBAL_PPHTOP_er (Error of the permanent pycnocline top thickness estimate)\nGLOBAL_PPHBTO (Permanent pycnocline bottom thickness, m)\nGLOBAL_PPHBTO_er (Error of the permanent pycnocline bottom thickness estimate, m)\nGLOBAL_PPTEMP (Temperature at the depth of the permanent pycnocline, deg C)\nGLOBAL_PPPOTTEMP (Potential temperature at the depth of the permanent pycnocline (referenced to the surface), deg C)\nGLOBAL_PPCONSTEMP (Conservative temperature at the depth of the permanent pycnocline, deg C)\nGLOBAL_PPPSAL (Practical salinity at the depth of the permanent pycnocline, PSU)\nGLOBAL_PPABSAL (Absolute  salinity at the depth of the permanent pycnocline, g/kg)\nGLOBAL_PPSIG0 (Potential density referenced to the surface at the depth of the permanent pycnocline)\nGLOBAL_PPPLPV (Planetary potential vorticity at the depth of the permanent pycnocline, m^-1 s^-1)\nGLOBAL_PPBFRQ (Brunt-Vaisala frequency squared at the depth of the permanent pycnocline, s^-2)\nGLOBAL_MWD (Mode water depth, m)\nGLOBAL_MWH (Mode water thickness, m)\nGLOBAL_MWTEMP (Temperature at the depth of the mode water, deg C)\nGLOBAL_MWPOTTEMP (Potential temperature at the depth of the mode water (referenced to the surface), deg C)\nGLOBAL_MWCONSTEMP (Conservative temperature at the depth of the mode water, deg C)\nGLOBAL_MWPSAL (Practical salinity at the depth of the mode water, PSU)\nGLOBAL_MWABSAL (Absolute salinity at the depth of the mode water, g/kg)\nGLOBAL_MWSIG0 (Potential density referenced to the surface at the depth of the mode water)\nGLOBAL_MWPLPV (Planetary potential vorticity at the depth of the mode water, m^-1 s^-1)\nGLOBAL_MWBFRQ (Brunt-Vaisala frequency squared at the depth of the mode water, s^-2)\n (external link) LOPS/Ifremer OACP-Argo-Global

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